The DP World ILT20 launched in spectacular fashion at the Dubai International Stadium today. The star-studded trio of Bollywood superstars Shahid Kapoor, Pooja Hegde, and Sonam Bajwa headlined a blockbuster opening ceremony as fans packed the iconic ‘Ring of Fire’ for the double-entertainment offer – opening ceremony and the tournament opener – for the region’s premier T20 tournament.
The festivities culminated in a stunning fireworks display signaling the start of the season. Bollywood actor-producer Jackky Bhagnani and popular host Ridhima Pathak kept the crowd engaged as emcees for the evening.
Audiences from around the world can catch the action live on the Zee Network and its syndication partners through both linear and digital platforms.
The month-long cricket fest will see some of the world’s finest cricketers in action.